ICEC Conference


Welcome Banner For ICEC
Originally uploaded by followdason
Maris and I were able to take the facilitator class for the Truth Project as well as network with a lot of teachers from all over the region. We were encouraged by their testimony and to see how the Lord is working in the lives of millions of people through Christian Education Worldwide. On a random note, it was also encouraging to connect with other "cross cultural" couples that are in the same type of trenches and were able to share some wisdom. It was a blessing!

I have to be honest and say that through the whole International Conference my mind was thinking a lot and all over the place. AAI asked me to do 3 workshops for Ecuadorian teachers for the joint day of the conference with Ecadorian Educators on Saturday. I have never done something like that in Spanish and its an understatement that it was a big stretch and way out of my comfort zone. I have to add that I not only had to prep for the conference but my talk was selected as one of the workshops that got radio promotion on HCJB (major local radio station) during premier airing time!
After I got over myself and was reminded of how the Lord has been so faithful to always come through and that He is the one infront as I humble myself (did i mention that I was sick, slept 2 hours and my English set-up of Power point would not cooperate with Spanish characters?) The talk went great and I was able to connect with my audience. This was specially tricky because let's face it...I have a baby face and culturally, people expect to see an older seasoned professional to be presenting in these types of conferences. God reminded me of Timothy and how it is not about me but to be faithful to His word and let HIm do the work. One of the most encouraging parts of my time was that people left really moved by thinking of the greatness of God and our key role as vessels for Him. Speaking of that I met a lady that decided to go to the conference because of the radio interview. She was in tears as she had been fighting trying to help her child through painful years of schooling. She said that the workshop didn't only allow her to get practical advice on how to love and help his son, but reminded her of God's sovereignty, perfect plan and love through it all. All that to say, the Lord was so faithful to work beyond all my human frailties to bring glory to Himself and at the end of the day, I looked back to see such beauty in so many details.

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